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Communitarian visions again

I was part of a UK Twitter conversation about the place of the church and the ‘parachurch.’ Eddie Arthur then responded on his blog, and what he said got me thinking: DNA: you can trace the origins of church congregations back to the New Testament. There has been a lot […]

Our International Day performance 2020

This year we were again called upon to represent Australia at Elliot’s school’s International Day. In many of Australia’s national narratives, the archetypal Australian is white (and often male). We are also white so it would be easy for us to tell those stories: they’re the ones we grew up […]

Our International Day performance

Elliot’s school has an International Day each year where you represent your passport country. There’s a parade of nations and stalls for each country and we were asked to do a cultural presentation at the assembly as well. National identity is slippery and complex at the best of times. What […]