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Aussies, a call to global mission

Because Arthur and I are strong advocates of the church in Africa, often speaking about what God is doing here and the richness of African theology, we are sometimes asked, “Well, why are you there?” or “Isn’t the work of missionaries in Africa done?” These are good questions, considering the […]

Communitarian visions again

I was part of a UK Twitter conversation about the place of the church and the ‘parachurch.’ Eddie Arthur then responded on his blog, and what he said got me thinking: DNA: you can trace the origins of church congregations back to the New Testament. There has been a lot […]

Some missiology for campus 4: Pedagogy

In campus ministry we use a variety of educational mediums. Our group Bible studies involve discussion and discovery, and our training sessions involve lots of one-to-one meetings and workshopping. Why then, when it comes to our ‘mission’ events, do we continue to emphasise teaching from the front? Do we believe […]

Some missiology for campus 3: Apologetics?

What I’ve been referring to as ‘participation’ is sometimes included under the banner of apologetics, and since I first ran an apologetics group as an undergraduate student, I’ve seen periodic attempts to make apologetics into something more encompassing. Sometimes we seem to use apologetics as a sort of catch-all category […]

Some missiology for campus 1: Evangelism

I recently wrote something for Ethos about university ministry. Part of what was driving the article was my interest in improving our evangelism. ‘Participation’ isn’t just a good witness in its own right, it also promotes evangelism. The four articles by Tim Keller and Michael Keller (starting here) were dealing […]