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Things missio kids say

About deputation “When we go to churches, everyone knows me, but I don’t know them.” “Everywhere we go, people say, “I know you.” But they don’t really know me.” “Now we’re finishing our deputation, I won’t be a missionary kid anymore and that makes me sad. But mainly just because […]

Miscelleanous thoughts on re-entry 2019

We are back in Australia physically, and trying to drag our heads and hearts here too. When we got into Adelaide airport, our Elliot started singing Australian folk songs and saying, ‘G’day mate’ to people. They think it’s weird; he’s reaching for the little he knows of Australia. Callum was […]

Elliot the Dragon and the ant

Once upon a time there was a little dragon called Elliot. He lived in a cave with his Mama Dragon, Dadda Dragon, and little brother Callum Dragon. Elliot was a golden dragon and Callum was a pink dragon. The family loved each other very much and most of the time […]

A brotherhood in transition

Last night I wiped the tears and kissed the cheeks and hugged the skinny little body of my anxious three-year-old, who as he thinks about our trip to Australia, is constantly checking that Mama AND Dadda AND Elliot will be there too. “Please don’t leave me,” he sobbed. This is […]

My kid can’t speak Strayan

I learned a new word the other day: bi-dialectical. We’d been watching a show with Gillian Anderson in it, and wondering at why her British accent is so good. Turns out, because she lived between the US and the UK as a child, she has two accents in the same […]