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Windows into Tanzanian theology (part 3)

A notable absence in my recent discussions of Tanzanian theology has been the atonement. I asked questions about this way back in 2013 but it has not featured much since then. Atonement in terms of forgiveness of sin is preached in Tanzania in two contexts. First, we have observed it in evangelistic […]

A really lovely statement of faith

This is the supplementary statement of faith of the Australian Evangelical Alliance, as found at Ethos. We worship the only God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, whose creative, outgoing love overflowed from the divine community to create the universe and who calls us to share in eternal life […]

The Trump victory, and TB Joshua

Everyone’s talking about the Trump victory. It’s not just the US for whom there are consequences; the US’ trade deals and foreign policy are all up for grabs, but there’s also a symbolic nature to the office Americans are so fond of calling ‘the leader of the free world’. Here in […]