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The magic mark

Today is 8 weeks since we landed in Australia. 8 weeks is special because, in our experience, it’s when the (metaphorical) sun comes out. Red Twin used to say, with her psychologist hat on, that any big change takes about 6-8 weeks to get used to. During that 6-8 weeks […]

When Good Friday is Good

Our church this morning was surprisingly upbeat. Surprising, because it’s Good Friday, the day when Christian commemorate the crucifixion and death of Christ. Not exactly cheerful subject matter. In my western Christian tradition, it’s normally a fairly somber day, with a focus not only on Christ’s suffering but our own […]

Only for a little while

As our water woes have continued, the question I keep wondering is, how long will this go on for? If someone just told me: there’ll likely be no water until it rains, I think I might find it a little easier, but instead we keep being told, ‘tomorrow’ or ‘on […]