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Gender, culture, and different cultures

Andrew Errington has kindly reproduced the entirety of his talk on gender at Sydney Uni EU. It’s a great example of how to talk about this issue for a few reasons: He recognises his own privilege and doesn’t dismiss it. Instead, he redirects the conversation towards how Scripture has affected […]

Fearful and wonderful self-esteem

Christians and self-esteem has come up in conversation and on the blogosphere a few times for me recently and the resounding message that I hear reformed Christians giving is that self-esteem ought not to be based on ourselves but on looking to God. In his institutes, Calvin notes how we […]


America has long been seen as the premier Christian nation (if such a thing is possible).  Since its foundation, there has been an amazing amount of Christian language and influence embroidered in American public life.  And the thing that evangelicals from the rest of the world have found exciting, like […]