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Lenten cross

Happy Easter! This year for Lent our family started a new tradition, the Lenten Cross. It was inspired by how much Elliot loved our Jesse Tree for Advent (below).

Jesse Tree

Jesse Tree

We are keen to build some of the rhythms of the church year into our family life in a sustainable way – that means the activity needs to be low prep (after the first year) and light and flat so it can be easily transported in suitcases between countries.

For the Lenten cross, you stick up one of 40 pictures each day to make the shape of a cross. Because the Jesse Tree does the big picture of the Bible including some of the prophecies about Jesus, I thought a good complement would be focusing on the gospels for Lent. The pictures start with Jesus’ ministry, and the second half zooms in on the final week of Jesus’ life.

It took me a morning to draw the pictures (I’m no artist!) and then I had them laminated for durability and re-usability.

Here’s a pdf of the passages and a description of the accompanying picture. With Elliot’s 2 year old attention span, at the moment we just tell a 1 sentence story for each picture instead of reading the Bible passage. That’s included too.

Here’s how our Lenten Cross looked finished today on Easter Sunday:20190421_134725

Categories: Written by Tamie

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Tamie Davis

Tamie Davis is an Aussie living in Tanzania, writing at

3 replies

  1. Such a brilliant idea to remember and celebrate the Easter story. Elliot is blessed to have a mum and a dad like you two.

    Happy Resurrection Day

    Meredith Lockery
    Director of Studies
    Tyndale Christian School
    50 Fern Grove Boulevard Salisbury East 5109
    0437 522 527

    Sent from my iPad

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